Record traffic on our system.



We are handling a record 140,000 server requests per day.

We continue to expand and plan to handle 300,000 logs per day by the end of the year.


Over the next year, we are preparing to handle 1 million logs per day.

  1. en



Power clamp

from 5 to 300 Amps



Readout of the machine's operating status by means of non-contact and quick installation of power clamp. This is a simple setup, it quickly manages to set the working point of the machine.


With the new features, our equipment will soon be available for purchase in stores.





dsatooth transmissions, this month we are adding an accelerometer to our device.


The accelerometer can be configured and will react and detect d operation and stops.

Testing has begun, you can upgrade to a newer version of our hardware at any time. 



Vibration-responsive accelerometer



Every day we work for you.

This month we are putting a new feature in your hands. 

Last month we launched bluetooth transmissions, this month we are adding an accelerometer to our device.


The accelerometer can be configured and will react and detect machine operation and stops.

Testing has begun, you can upgrade to a newer version of our hardware at any time. 



Dongle for wireless LCD screen connection 


We are already implementing and testing bluetooth communication, which is useful where the logger cannot be connected to the LCD via a cable.




We have updated the remote connection programme,

enjoy better security.


Open source project on GitHub


We are already on GitHub, developing open source software together with developers. The new logger line is more efficient because it gives 100 logs per second per device. For this project we need specialists, on GitHub it is easy to find them :-)


Working together on the programme

will speed up the implementation of new features.

15,000,000 logs


New installations require better and faster data analysis, we have now handled over 15,000,000 logs and one of our new customers is generating over 100,000 logs per day.


LCD production


Before Christmas we increased production of LCD displays for our system by 2 times.

This will growth the attractiveness and availability of the equipment. 



We have updated the remote connection programme,

enjoy better security.

QR code camera reader


A new prototype of a reader for all 1D and 2D codes.

All data in a single QR code, this offers many advantages, faster data entry, press the button, scan the code, using our system has never been easier.

System stress tests


Two of our customers, are beginning tests of our system, on the work centres on which up to 2,000 variants are produced.


This required us to optimise the parameter loading times for each individual variant.

Catch up on your business on vacation.


Summer holidays should not be associated with inefficient work on the production line. Continuous remote access to services, will allow you to take care of your wallet.

Radiation measurement point


Measurement of the background radiation, for a few months in Wrocław at Kosmonautów Street.

The data collected will soon be visualised on our website.

The project used our logger and our web platform.

API for microcontrolers


We have launched an api on our servers which has been made available to the community on GitHub.

You can see a short course from the event in the video.

VPN - Z troską o dane klienta został uruchomiony DLB VPN

VPN <-> 100MBit/s


We have launched a VPN on our servers for our customers.


Encrypted connection has many advantages, it protects our customers from data leakage.


We do not use third parties apps, we sign the security document directly with the customer.


We consciously take care of the customer's security.

W celu podnoszenia jakości obsługi klienta została uruchomiona usługa DLB DESK


works like a TeamViewer


Remote access to production boards has never been so easy.


We have launched a remote support service, the subscription is included in the basic service.


The service works on our servers.


Została uruchomiona platforma "Wirtualnego Loggera" w celu zautomatyzowania testów danych algorytmów.

Test platform in JavaScript


We have launched an automated platform for testing our system.


We use advanced algorithms so that our services become more and more efficient.

API servis


We are introducing the service to the api, in the future it will be used to integrate our services with third-party devices and technologies.

Została uruchomiona usługa API  w celu połączenia serwisu z zewnętrznymi aplikacjami oraz serwisami

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We are giving away vouchers


Welcome to conferences "Academy Smart Production"

Come and ask about the voucher.


(We only have 50 vouchers to give away)



All the vouchers have been distributed, 

purchase possible at regular price